Schedule AI Post User Guide
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Schedule AI Post User Guide
Welcome to Schedule AI Post, an application designed to save you time in preparing content for your WordPress blog. Below is a detailed guide on how to use this application
Save Time:
Allows users to add multiple titles in bulk, reducing content preparation time.
Easy to Use:
Simple interface with clear input fields for easy user interaction.
Content Automation:
Automatically generates content from titles, reducing the need to write detailed content.
Optimization Options:
Allows users to decide whether or not they want AI to optimize their titles.
Efficient Management:
Stores titles as drafts for convenient post management.
Continuous Updates:
The system continuously updates and generates new content over time, ensuring that posts are always fresh.
Schedule AI Post is not only a useful tool but also a reliable partner in optimizing the writing and management process of your WordPress blog content.
Additional Benefits:
Improved SEO: AI-generated titles and content can be optimized for search engines, increasing the visibility of your blog posts.
Increased Engagement: AI can help you create more engaging content that will capture the attention of your readers.
Better Analytics: Schedule AI Post provides detailed analytics that can help you track the performance of your blog posts and make necessary adjustments.
Overall, Schedule AI Post is a powerful tool that can help you save time, improve the quality of your content, and grow your blog audience.
Your website will feature a simple and user-friendly interface with the following components:
Textarea: Input the list of article titles, with each line representing a separate title.
Selectbox: Choose the category for your articles.
Input Tag: Enter tags for all articles.
Title Optimization Checkbox: Enable AI-driven title optimization (if selected).
Add Button: Add the list of titles to the system and store them as drafts.
a. Input Titles:
Open the application and enter article titles in the "Textarea." Each line represents a title.
b. Choose Category:
Use the selectbox to choose a category for all the articles.
c. Input Tags:
Enter tags you want to apply to all articles in the "Input Tag" field.
d. Title Optimization (Optional):
If you want to enable AI-driven title optimization, check the "Title Optimization Checkbox."
e. Add Articles:
Click the "Add" button to store the list of titles as draft articles on the WordPress system.
The system will automatically retrieve each title and generate content for the respective article every minute.
Articles will be updated on the system with automatically generated content.
Ensure that you are logged into your WordPress account and have granted permission to save articles as drafts.
With Schedule AI Post, you'll save a significant amount of time in content creation for your WordPress blog. Start experiencing it now!